Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Well lookie there!

I was going to do a quick post to let all my fans know that I was getting a facelift.

And by fans I obviously mean anyone who just happened to accidentally land here.


So I found this awesome girl who is my new friend (cause she thinks I'm funny!) and commissioned her to do a makeover and was super duper excited when I pulled up my blog this morning and found that she's almost done with it.

Oh my goodness. How cute is this?! SO much nicer than it was. Now I'm going to have a hard time not hanging around here all the time!



  1. Hello!

    I just found your lovely blog through The Burke Family! I love your new blog design! Did Becky do it ALL?

    You chose such unique and beautiful names for your girls and your son has such an awesome name! How old are they?


  2. Yep, Becky did it all. LOVE it. Thanks for the kind words on my kiddos. They are 15, 14, 10, and 8.

  3. WOW! It looks awesome! I really hope that I win that little contest thing she has because she's so awesome at making backgrounds, headers, and other stuff!

    Your welcome, I love your name, as well!

    Signed with a heart,

